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Our company has been contributed in severeal reserach projects financed by the European Union. Good organizational and foreign language communication skills, as well as teamwork, are essential for successful participation. However, this is not all, many years of experience and professional knowledge, valid even in an international environment, are essential for our results. 

Our planning activity in Hungary

We believe that successful planning is a

the key to increasing competitiveness and quality of life. 

As planners looking back on several years of working relationship, we want to help settlements and cities that are open to 21st century, sustainable solutions, want to stand their ground in the ever-increasing competition of settlements, and are ready to respond to the challenges of the present and the future.

Previous works of our experts

During their previous work, our designers gained a lot of experience in international projects financed by the European Union, as well as national strategic documents and local development planning documents. 

Living Danube Limes

Archaeologists, ship carpenters, architects, settlement planners, and heritage specialists joined forces and built a life-size ancient Roman guard ship on the Danube, the task of which was to guard the Limes, i.e., the border of the former Roman Empire. The Danuvina Alacris started from the Black Forest and traveled to the Black Sea. The 25-person crew of the ship rowed on the Hungarian section of the Danube between August 10 and September 1, 2022, and during the 14 stops from Esztergom to Mohács, many interested people met the ship. From the beginning of the project, our company participated in the coordination of the ship's trip to Hungary, the organization of the events at the stations, and the provision of the project's domestic communication, thus contributing to the fact that Danuvina Alacris was welcomed by the most interested parties in Hungary


Supporting the leading partner of the project, the Óbuda-Békásmegyer Municipality of the 3rd district of Budapest, Spatialist Kft. is also participating in the implementation of the project in Hungary. Within the framework of the project, we are working on the design and implementation of an innovative and feasible model of urban agriculture, responding to the decreasing proportion of urban green spaces and the growing demand for cultivable community spaces. 

We are not alone in our mission. Together with other fascinating European cities participating in the project – including Krakow, Budapest, Ljubljana and Zagreb – we are also working hard to create a new urban garden in the Csúcshegy district of Óbuda-Békásmegyer.

SRSP 2020 - Promoting nature-based solutions in municipalities in Hungary

On behalf of the OECD, Spatialist Kft., as a partner of an international project, prepared a report in English and Hungarian on the general framework conditions for nature-based solutions in Hungary entitled "Application of nature-based solutions in Hungarian settlements" with the participation of several experts. Part of the research was a detailed examination of climatological processes, a questionnaire survey of the challenges and positions of experts and local governments, a compilation of existing relevant policies, regulations, strategies, sectoral plans, and the national, regional and local stakeholders involved in Hungary, which influence the local level infrastructural decisions.

Szombathely Heritage Protection Impact Study

Spatialist Kft. participated as a planning partner in the preparation of the Szombathely Heritage Protection Impact Study, together with experts in architectural history.

in operation.

Preparatory Study Plan of Ferencváros General Plan

Spatialist Ltd. prepares the preparatory study plan for the General Plan of the 9th District of Budapest, Ferencváros, which bases further decisions on the basis of the effective Integrated Genreal Plans. The document maps the regulatory and strategic environmental changes of the period since the previous general plans, identifying the main challenges affecting the development and life of the district. After the foundational investigation, we prepare problem maps, which mark and identify the areas of the district that can be defined from a territorial point of view and require strategic measures and specific interventions, the potential action areas.

General Plans and Zoning

Spatialist Kft. is a strategic planner and participated in the preparation of the General Plan of Fülöpjakab, Gyula district's Regional Sustainable Urban Plan, and the revision of Újhartyán's Integrated Settlement Alan. Our company prepared the Climate Strategy of Fót Város for the year 2030, and participates as a partner in the preparation of the Transportation Development Strategy of the settlement.

In addition to strategic planning, our planning activities include the completion of foundation studies, as well as the professional preparation and conduct of workshops and focus groups for socialization. 

National Active Tourism Strategy 2030

All experts of Spatialist Ltd. were coordinators and authors of the National Active Tourism Plan 2030 of Hungary. The purpose of the Strategy is to provide policy guidelines for synergy between the measures related to active tourism, which are necessary for the balanced and sustainable operation of the sector. During the work, our planners conducted more than 40 in-depth interviews, coordinated national and international trend research, and held focus group meetings and workshops.

DANURB (Interreg DTP)

In 2019-2020, several colleagues of Spatialist Kft. participated in the international project as subcontractors of the Municipality of Pest County. The aim of the pilot project was to develop a development strategy for two micro-regions and to socialize it. In the process, the municipalities and civil organizations of around 18 settlements along the Danube were involved in joint strategic thinking.

Nature4Cities (Horizon 2020)

Several colleagues of Spatialist Kft. participated in the international project as work package leaders, summarizing and evaluating the scientific and economic evaluation of the examined nature-based solutions and the possibilities of their urban feasibility. Our colleagues were also key members of the Communication Management Group, ensuring balanced and efficient internal and external communication of the project.

Townscape image manuals

Experts of Spatiliast Kft. participated in the preparation of the Architectural Imagery Handbook of Mór and Enying cities, which define the physical aspects that shape the character of the settlement, the parts of the settlement that can be clearly distinguished from the urban image point of view, their image characteristics and values, and also a proposal contribute to the quality of the settlement image.


Our experts have participated as planners in the preparation of the General Plans of Óbuda-Békásmegyer and Szigetszentmiklós in the 3rd district of Budapest, and the General Plans of Hajdú-Bihar and Bács-Kiskun counties.


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